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How To Pose For Photos (even if you're not a model)

Most of us don’t learn how to pose for photos unless we go into a career of modeling or acting. Especially if you’re a business owner, this is the last thing you might think about. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, YouTube, Influencer, it’s increasingly more important to show up confident on camera and have a lot of photos of yourself taken because you need to have an online presence and show up so your clients know who you are.

Unless you’ve had previous training, this knowledge doesn’t just come to you. Why am I qualified to help you?

I have attended modeling school when I was 15, I modeled for 8 years and I’ve done runway shows, studio & on-location photo shoots, competed in beauty pageants locally & globally. I had the honor of representing Canada as Miss Canada Tourism 2007 in Turkey and was awarded the titles of Miss Bikini Tourism 2007, Miss Bikini World Americas 2007 and Miss Bikini Universe Americas 2007.

So, if you want to learn how to pose for photos and show up on camera like a pro without having to have gone to a modeling school or done any modeling, either just for fun or for your online brand and business, then these are my biggest tips for you.

#1) Practice!

Practice does make perfect. The best way to practice is first to go to Instagram or Pinterest and screenshot or save poses that you want to learn to do.

Next, you need to open your camera on your phone to selfie mode (front-facing camera) and place it on a tripod or somewhere at eye level maybe on your windowsill so you can see yourself on the screen.

Next up – lights, camera, action! Set your timer for 10 seconds and start practicing those poses! Make sure in the beginning to review the photos every 2-3 photos you take.

Ask yourself these questions as you review the photos:

What challenges am I having? Did I struggle in one area than another for example maybe you struggled with headshots more than the full body shots? Why did I struggle in one area more than another? Look to see what angles you like better. 

Start by taking these photos at home or your backyard where nobody is watching you because it’s a good way for you to become more confident and comfortable so later when you’re doing photoshoots in public, you’re not so shy and self-conscious.

P.S: I don’t recomend prcaticing in front of the mirror because you always look different in the mirror then on camera.

#2) Posture

Be mindful about having good posture. This is so important because it can make or break a good photo. Look out for that in your photos and if you have someone take your photos and you know you tend to have bad posture, ask them to tell you if your posture is bad so you can correct it.

#3) The Beauty Pageant Pose

This pose models use all the time especially in beauty pageants you’ll see the ladies do this pose and it will look good for any woman with any body type!

Start by placing your upper body on a 45-degree angle, lower body facing more toward the camera, lean on one leg that’s behind, and other leg bring in front and on the tippy toes.

One hand goes on the hip that you’re leaning on and the hand either on the hip or placed on the leg that’s in front, back straight and there you go!

#4) Use Props

Props are a great way to give your hands something to do, make the photo more fun and help make you more confident.

Some props that are great to use are holding your favorite drink (coffee for me!), hats, purses, sunglasses, flowers, laptops, cameras, cigars.

Models tend to use props a lot when working with brands. Think of yourself as a model that’s modeling and promoting the prop!

When using props in your photos, you don’t need to use them in photos the way they’re supposed to be used or worn. For example, you don’t have to wear sunglasses on your face, you could be holding them, putting them on top of your head. Same with a hat, you could be holding it, or place it on a chair beside you, and so on.

#5) Create Movement

Creating movement makes the photo more dynamic and interesting. This is also great when you run of out ideas on how to pose, you’re in a creative funk or just need to take a quick photo. When all else fails, use movement!

Here are some ways you can create movement in your photos:

  • With your hair: hair flips

  • If you’re wearing a dress, use the corners of the dress to move around

  • If there is a slight wind, use that to your advantage when it comes to what you’re wearing or letting your hair move in the wind

  • Walking! Walk towards, away from the camera, walk by in front of the camera

  • Jump or run

  • Water – splashing, swimming

  • Doing sports

#6) Create Curves

Every one of us has beautifully different body shapes. Some of us have more or fewer curves. If you have natural curves this may be easy for you. The goal is to do an S shape with your body.

You can do this by facing the camera or slightly at an angle. Push your hips out to one side and your torso and upper body to another side. You’re leaning on one leg and the other is free to move around.

#7) Don’t Forget About Your Facial Expressions

This goes back to practice because one of the things you must also practice is your facial expressions. Sometimes when we are concentering so much on our pose our face can look like a deer in headlights.

You can’t go wrong with a smile! Relax your face and your jaw. You can smile with or without showing your teeth. Take different photos of you smiling looking at the camera and some looking away from the camera.

You can also do the serious dramatic look. Again take some photos looking at the camera and away from the camera.

#8) Think About Your Camera Angles

The camera angles will impact the way the pose looks. For example, if the camera is lower looking up at you it will make you look taller and give the illusion of longer legs. If the camera is higher up looking down at you, it will make you look shorter with a bigger head. Anything that’s close to the camera will always look bigger.

#9) Create Space & Triangles

Create space between your limbs and your body. Don’t stand like a stick, separate your arms and legs from your body. Pretend you’re creating triangles as you see in the images below.

#10) Point Your Toes & Elongate Your Body

This can dramatically make your pose better. Think of yourself as a ballerina. No matter what pose you do, you can incorporate this tip.

Did you learn something new? What was your biggest takeaway? Let me know in the comments and come say hi on Instagram! Tag me in your photos using #AsyaPhotoTips and I’ll be sure to give you a shoutout. I love seeing what you are learning and creating!

Follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more photography and posing tips.

Happy Posing!


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